Sunday 15 May 2011

Straining Ahead

I feel a touch of melancholy that 2011 PFA league has come to a close. You have all played well and with a great deal of heart. I salute you, Gladiators.

The spirited competition that marks all our matches in Div II and the sportmanship that Gladiators have displayed both on and of the court has been exemplary but now we must move forward as we have a greater goal ahead. As Apostle Paul said:

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV)

So let us press on to win the ultimate prize for which we are called into this ministry. Let us prepare ourselves by training harder, improving knowledge, perfecting our skills and teamwork, so that we may be worthy to be known as God's Army.

There is much that we must improved upon: In the sport of Floorball, we must improve our individual skills, stamina and game knowledge; While as a team we need to work on communication, tactical thinking and mutual support.

Similarly in the journey of discipleship, we must strive to know God and His plan for each of us. We are not here or at this place and this time by accident for God choose each of us even before creation (Eph 1:4) and He has a special purpose for us. Let us be equiped with the armor of God (Eph 6:16-17) so that when we are called to serve that purpose, we are ready and able.

My goal for this year would be to buiid a third line of Gladiators and start an all girls team in preparation for 2012. We will start registration for new players immediately so please bring your friends to the next practice at 5-7pm on 29th May (Sun).

One Team, One Body, One Heart, One Soul, One Purpose, One Goal.

God bless you all,

Coach Daniel

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